Sending Seed to Those in Need

Seed provides the foundation for prosperity in any nation. An entire nation's food supply relies on tiny, morsels of life, waiting for the opportunity to sprout and propagate. Seeds to the World understands this concept well, and works to provide a foundation of quality, life giving seed to communities in need.


Digging Deeper


Food production in rural areas

Many of us take for granted the convenience of modern day supermarkets and high quality produce that's available year-round. Often times rural areas can't access supermarkets, either due to geographical barriers or economic estrangement. When natural or financial disasters strike, some communities also find themselves suddenly cut off from easily accessible food sources. 

By skipping all the middle men and providing seed directly to those rural people, Seeds to the World ensures that everyone has equal access to a healthy, readily-available food source. Rural land also just happens to provide the perfect setting for growing and maintaining a food garden, which is why seeds work so well as a response to disaster or food shortages in such locations.

Goal #1: Bring economic stability to rural and impoverished places by decreasing the community’s reliance on food sources from the outside.


Pride of ownership

 Providing communities with a commodity that they can establish and maintain results in much more than just nutritional benefits, it also allows for a unique sense of ownership and pride in being able to provide food first hand for themselves and loved ones. Seed donations in particular help lessen the feeling of helplessness and dependency on outside help, while encouraging self-sustainability and accomplishment in having some sort of power over local prosperity. 

The regions that are being allocated such donations typically don't retain much material wealth in terms of assets, and owning or operating a small garden can help provide a feeling of worth and purpose that may have been lacking before. The simplest pleasures and necessities often become the most valuable, and it has been proven time and time again that seeds can change lives in more than one way. 

Goal #2: Provide a sense of empowerment in producing food by one's own hand in learning how to turn a seed into prosperity for a person, their family, and their community


Skills that last

Of all the skills that can be learned there are few more valuable than the ability to grow food. Guidance on discerning between different types of crops and instruction on how to cultivate them can be passed down from generation to generation. Not to mention, all members of a community can get involved in gardening, therefore it quickly becomes an all-inclusive, uniting activity.

One of the most wonderful aspects about seeds is that they become a gift that keeps on giving. Self-sustainability is the most valuable resource a nation can obtain, especially if they're rehabilitating from a disaster or famine. A reliable source of food can not only help get families back on their feet, but it can keep them there. Perishable and canned foods provide immediate relief, but a well-kept garden can provide a long-term supply to be shared among many people for many years. 

Goal #3: Establish a renewable food source that can feed a community for a life time